# Range or single point

Defines that step will wait for visitor to choose and submit boundary values inside of provided interval.


# Select type

Slider can be two types:

  • Single point - allows to select only 1 value on a slider.
  • Range - allows to select range.

# Single point

In order to set single point click on a Select single point radio button.

The slider bar is defined by the Min and Max values that are expected as numbers with the smaller of the two set as the lower limit. These inputs will be truncated if exceeded, but will be added in full to the output.

Default value allows to set default selected value on slider, value should be withing min and max boundaries.

The Step input defines the size of the slider's movement and is expected as a number with negative value interpreted as positive.

The unit value can be added before or after the limit, or left empty. It will be truncated if exceeded, but added in full to the output.

# Preview

Single point slider preview

# Range

In order to set range selection click on a Select range radio button. You have to specify default start value and default end value. Other settings is the same as for Single point type.

# Preview

Range slider preview


When setting incorrect step or default value slider default value will be automatically set to closest possible value.

# Units position

Sets unit position, see screens below.

At the beginning At the end
Front units position Back units position

# Use custom labels

Allows to set custom slider labels for each value.

In order to set custom values turn on Use custom labels switch and specify labels (see example below).

# Preview

Preview 2

# Step configuration

Slider configuration Custom labels configuration
Step configuration Step configuration

# Output

The structure of the output for range type is:

    range: [0, 100],
    units: "F"

The structure of the output for single point type is:

    value: 25,
    units: "F"

# Use function to define user answer

Allows to override default answer by custom message.

# Available variables

For single point type is:

    value: 25,
    units: "F"

For range type is:

    range: [0, 100],
    units: "F"

# Example

return `Selected value is ${value}`; // single

return `Range from ${range[0]} ${units} to ${range[1]} ${units}` // range

# Example:

Picked range between 25 and 75. Custom user answer preview

# Step configuration:

Step configuration

Last Updated: 2/19/2022, 11:17:08 AM